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Rigging Plan: What is a Rigging Plan and How to Create a Lifting Plan

1526 Date: 2017-05-24 Tag: Rigging Plan Lifting Plan china coal

Control and establish safety precautions before the process is completed. It is also an important planning process that will identify all hazard situations that might be found during the lifting process.
What Type of Rigging Plan Do I Need?
The first step when conducting a rigging safety plan is to identify the type of lift. There are three major classifications of a lifting plan: Critical lifts, ordinary lifts or pre-engineering lifts. Depending on the type of lift, then the rigging plan will have different concepts under evaluation to determine the steps needed to complete a safety rigging and lifting process.
Rigging and lifting Plan Components
Once the evaluation process has determine the type of rigging and lifting plan needed you will need to identify and gather information in regards to the following components:
*The rigging equipment
*Shackles, turnbuckles and slings being used
*Center of gravity of the load being lifted
*Crane capacity and crane charts
*Height, width and length of the lift
*Atmospheric and environmental conditions when the process is being performed
*Edges and corners of the load. It is important to evaluate all the geometry of the item being lifted
Sling angles
*Load angle factor
*Floor loading capacity
*Determine how to rig the load using good rigging practices
*Identify and make sure tha the attachment points and load can withstand the forces created by the rigging gear attachment
*Work zone safety
*Evaluate hazards to determine consequences resulting from collision, upset, or dropping the load
*Rigging Plan: Ordinary Lifts
Ordinary lifts are the easiest ones to handle. They will normally require a verbal planning process and holding preliminary lifting and rigging meetings.Only a minimal documentation and evaluation process is needed but always being sure that all safety precautions are been taken.
Rigging Plan: Critical Lifts
Critical lifts need a more detailed plan before execution. This process will normally require a written procedure and approval process.
Rigging Plan: Pre-Engineering Lifts
These are the most challenging ones to deal with. They will require specific rigging points, lifting procedure and to identify components that will probably need to be manage separately to avoid problems and minimize potential issues.
Rigging Plan Execution
Once the plan has been established you will need to follow it closely to avoid or reduce the possibily of safety accidents. It is important to
*Verify all equipment, fixtures and accessories before starting
*Verify that all equipment has been properly inspected and that such inspection are valid depending on the location or county where the process is being held at.
*Identify a load manager or a rigging leader. It can be your own safety professional or ordinary lifts, assign a designated leader; for critical lifts, assign a person-in-charge (PIC)
*Conduct a pre use inspection and verify that all components are in good condition.
*Conduct a dummy rigging process following the pre-established rigging plan.
*Be sure to identify and train all workers participating in the process.
*Clear or prepare the area where the load is being placer or moved
*Survey the lift site for hazardous or unsafe conditions
*Clear lift path of obstructions
*Identify the crane operator
*Follow specific instructions/procedures for attachment of the rigging gear to the load. Use proper rigging techniques.
*Stop the job when any potentially unsafe condition is recognized