Shotcrete Machine name suggests is a construction project is the most important type of equipment, but whether it is a traditional machine or high-quality jet coating quality requirements are very hig
Usually when buying shotcrete machine, people will carefully select to avoid buy substandard products, especially machinery products. When buying machinery products, you’d better be able to consult pr
Each product has its own advantages, but also a lot of friends because of these advantages only concern Shotcrete Machine, it is because of these advantages as people lose a lot of the burden will not
Recently, after passed strict examination of SAIC (State Administration for Industry and Commerce), Zhongyun Intelligent Machinery Company which invested and established by Shandong China Coal Group s
In order to better care the new staff, to help them better integrate into the China Coal family, to stimulate everyone''s enthusiasm, on the afternoon of 4th March, 2017, Shandong China Coal Group 2017
Afternoon of March 3rd, Jining Science and Technology Bureau director general Ma, together with Qufu Makerspace leaders visit Shandong China Coal Group for investigation. China Coal Group China Coal G
©China Mining&Construction Equipment Co., Ltd. © 2016
Address:No. 11, North of Kaiyuan Road, High-tech Zone, Jining City, Shandong Province, China
Executive Editor:Zhang Wen